My experiences at Restore 2 Wholeness Wellness Center have been informative and enjoyable. Finally someone I can collaborate with on my health and not just a doctor throwing the newest designer pill at me. Even if I was having symptoms we didn’t anticipate, Dr. D would do her research and find the solution. The biggest take away for me was her castor oil therapy and herbal treatment. It has done wonders in helping me get through each month without a lot of pan. For a truly personalized and comprehensive wellness program, I recommend Restore 2 Wholeness Wellness Center.
I have always wanted to get involved in Holistic medicine and when I received my email from Christ Kingdom Church , I realize that desire was going to be fulfilled. It advertised a Holistic seminar through Practitioner Collins, and after having learned so much from her and putting it into practice, I’ve lost 15 pounds and am feeling a lot better. One of the most important things I’ve learned is the effects of toxins on the body and how they translate into inflammation, and how that translates into pain , especially in the joint. Detoxing should be an ongoing process and detoxing with Dr. Collins has been very helpful. I would recommend going to Restore 2 Wholeness Wellness Center if you aspire to a healthier lifestyle.
My name is Alise Nicholson and thanks be to God for Diane Collins being obedient to the call on her life to pursue Holistic Nutrition. It was the help that was sent to me while I experienced pain on a scale from 1 to 10, a 20 that gave me relief to a pain level of 5 and even that was remedied to by a castor oil therapy. The process used was the energy therapy . I have experienced remarkable changes in the pain that had me baffled, as well as, the last physician that I visited to get answers to why the pain was so great. They found no result in the blood work, urinalysis, nor a sonogram. But God knew where to send me and that was to Restore 2 Wholeness Wellness Center.
Thank you again for offering the cooking demonstration last Wednesday at the American Urological Association. Personally, I thought that you did a great job! I really liked your set-up with the burners, cutting board and other tools. You did a nice job engaging with the audience throughout your presentation. Some feedback from our employees:
“It was a great demo”
“She was great. The food was great and the information presented was very helpful”
“Excellent presenter would prefer to have her again”
“The food was delicious”
For future events, I would just recommend sharing some of the nutritional value of all of the dishes that you provide samples of. Also, if you have any tips on preparation – such as chopping techniques or using certain tools – that would be interesting to share while you are doing the demonstration.
Lauren- Well Advantage